Saturday, August 28, 2010

Boobs Of Indian Boobs

Cthulhu Cthulhu

Friday, August 27, 2010

Can You Live In Quebec And Work In Ontario


Gui llermo T Del Oro ayan your bando nne the nav Wrath " H obbit "
(resumed, at last count, P Jackson, who's complaining?)
one little hope that he conc between su r an a nother project hique myt ...
its ad aptation the long renew them No H P Lovecraft :
"At the Mountains of Madness"
pend ing, Vou s first dual ndrez e n a, pe ti ts Hoggoth?
(actual size: 15 cm/10cm)
has e vec n primary penciled me who have to ervi e low e tra ce the park .. .
(it's amazing what the kids who play
in the sand that little inspiration ...)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pathophysiology Cellulitis Infection

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

After Atlantis, continuo ns our visitors te s cited louti eng ...
of irectorate: Pac ifi that south!
with this Rej
Eton Ct hulhu, just e chap pe d e R'lyeh!
p artistic command st coffee tight for s o n boss ?
Ordi live pa s Craille One this head times, several layers s IEUR to give deep eur, transpare nce o p give in the neck Eur has flesh

Monday, August 23, 2010

Old Ladies In Old Girdles

eighteenth: an idea (too) mad?

U do crazy idea came to me recently and I just expose you here seeking your opinion.

forums as Madness eighteenth or Passion History are cross talk and people who appreciate the eighteenth century but, also like to share their discoveries with other fans of the period. Some of these fans, these fans, including yours truly, also keep blogs are live websites.
But this whole area is quite enthusiastic and generous dispersed in its presentation, meaning that the forums and blogs, by their very structures are not intended to be read a magazine.

To my knowledge, there is not, nor in the press "paper" or in electronic media, professional or amateur, a magazine devoted to the eighteenth century. The journal Grand Century France , facing the age of Louis XIV, had only a fleeting existence: a dozen numbers, about 2002-2005, so far as my memory is good, its contents a bit demanding for the player and its price - around ten euros in number - had perhaps been impediments to sustainability economy.

That said, far be it from me to launch the project for a professional magazine devoted to the Enlightenment. My ambition is more modest, is to see to what extent it would be possible to develop a fanzine the eighteenth century.

I already had the opportunity to work in magazines or public, in areas related to heritage, for example, and to participate in the creation and publication of fanzines in the world of role play. This experience, cross my regret that there is no eighteenth-century periodical magazine brings So come to ask the faithful readers and the kind readers of this blog to see if they consider that the idea of a zine about the eighteenth century is a madness (unrealistically so) or sheer lunacy, a project course.

What might interest you, you, the readers of this blog, used other blogs and forums eighteenth, in such a zine reading notes, exhibitions, theater ? Thematic sections on architecture, music, costume? Spotlights on the eighteenth century "elsewhere"? Interviews with novelists, historians, of costume?
I asked this same question (and those that follow also) Forum Madness XVIII. And I intend to go and ask a few other places on the net where these issues can be addressed. I think of the forum "Passion History." But why not also in forums amateur shooting black powder, ship modeling, etc.. Obviously, the subject specialists certainly prefer the literature on their field, but perhaps it would be possible to arouse curiosity cross?

The potential audience
The basic question is whether there would be a sufficient public that efforts needed to produce such a zine to be rewarded? Indeed, if it is so that readers accustomed only to stop the madness, it would be like driving a nail with a sledgehammer. I tend to think that by sharing such a project through other forums, blog, associations recovery, etc.. It could reach an audience a little wider still, but I am perhaps illusions!

The core team and contributors
No zine without matter, no matter without a team and contributors. If there is no volunteers to form the backbone of the writing team, the project will be stillborn. And occasional contributors would be welcome too. Run a zine, it takes editors, illustrators (or scouts illustrations), reviewers, at least one designer for the composition, etc..

PDF is very convenient, suitable for electronic distribution. Moreover, fully utilizing its features, you can include links to internal elements (with bookmarks, etc..) And external (Internet sites, etc.)..

These questions form not an exhaustive list, and I have no a priori answers. I have not, either, any preconceptions about people's reactions, whether in Madness or other places where questions could be asked. But here's my crazy idea of mid-August!

Whether you want to say " it is madness, stop! "," is crazy, and I'll drive / reader! "or" is crazy, I want to participate musings on this project! , you're free to say anything.
And rest assured, I'm crazy, but I do not bite (almost) never. ;)

Give me your opinion, if you wish, by voting in the poll (top left of page) and adding a comment, eventually. You can also send comments by e-mail address is in my blogger profile. I thank you in advance.

* * * * *

What Is Full Head Of Highlights


38 maize seed G O M were enrolled uring co ju eyelet at ca logue official sky by the min istry fra ISH of A griculture:
the statute here
m hank MB run o M area

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rate Of Cellular Respiration In Reptiles

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

"Where was I? I wanted to know at any cost, I mean, I wanted to tear the copper sphere imprisoning my head. But Captain Nemo came to me and stopped me with a gesture. Then, picking up a piece of chalky stone, he advanced to a rock of black basalt, and traced the one word: Atlantis "
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne
- 1869

phew! I put u n few tps to
not that one ... it was long to achieve, but I u n little interregional ompu, but the
result is there ... well, I'm Enco re Odaga in r, but it S'A rrange I think.
I followed the co nseils of
' Axel and taken b nags most varied ...
I also played on layers, transparencies, filters ... I experience short.
(i hope
era did not have his hand too heavy)
ok, ok, I admit ... for p oissons I've fallen in fac ility of "e copied / pasted ", then the purists m e say: "'t should have put a halo ro uge hearth ur in. the proximal volcanic n moth ruins, as descr it in the text " good, sorry e, but o n will close the faith ine s for the effects more compliq ues

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thermostat White Green Blue Red 6036

Making new with old ...

some good voila s tests put e co uleur has the comp ...
(I do not give you options N / B than me at vai s already on the blo g)
OK! OK! little better, I pe nse also ... still lacks p Rofan the per cannot so 'wk wheat still " flott er" on rs Deco, my it IS good b ut his lthough encer comm.

color version of the Viking Warrior

and one of my first Steambot