Friday, October 12, 2007

Basketball And Cellular Respiration

Who am I?

Who am I?

I'm not going through this issue tell you my life through wide and long.
actually say that I am a walker. I walk on a spiritual road since the age of 15 years and that taught me this way?

Well the roads are many, that everyone must choose his path. What I'll try to do here is, through a kind of game questions - answers with Claudia (a friend), to give you the foundation that I know, those through which I passed, those I board the understanding.

So why "3 way" now, well because on my way to understanding relations and human behavior, I discerned, through experience and through reading, 3-way reflection.

The first way is physical / psychological is what tells the body and how the mind works.

The second way is what some say spiritual texts. We are on a path of progression, because each in its result, we can not escape Karma ..... short path of experience which also includes such things as guardian angels and some "power"

The third way I call "God" is one that will bring us back to what we really are. We must remember that we are gods incarnate and that we power over all creation. Our thoughts and created the world is changing under our control.

That, in a very short what are the 3 channels but to understand that and you can choose the path that you agree, then each of the topics that Claudia will send me will be treated according to these three channels.

Your comments are welcome.


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