Tuesday, November 27, 2007
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Claudia: Why do some people easier to be in contact with a " beyond " (or beings light) than the other?
How to express the complexity of this issue other than seeking help from my inner being:
"For the mind, the very notion of light being would recognize him a force greater than himself and it is a notion that the mind, if not coaxed a minimum, can not stand because it conflicts with its ability to control. Therefore how much you'd hear these same "voice" of the fifth dimension, your mind will make you believe he will help you!
Therefore, it is very difficult without a high sensitivity of recognize what comes beings of light that comes from the mind. The "voice" in your head may be the same. It's in the vibrant quality of communication that you receive the difference between what comes from your center, your higher self and what is the mind acting.
However, it is the mind as the aura, it does perceive that other than through his. So if you want to do what is called then channeled to know that the being who will contact you will get to your level with your words .., so with the help of your mind to communicate. Complex ... you think ... yes and no, the trick is to do half way, thus making loose your mind, raise your thoughts before leaving channel and be Being behind you and guide you "talk".
Initially it is quite difficult because it is believed mad but this relationship continues, you open, letting in the energy from above. Thus, the "guides", "angels" or other beings of light can act. A retail however, requires the protection of your divine soul before starting because without that line is a dangerous act, there are forces that are going to angelic but are designed to control your too.
For the spiritual world, it is "normal" to talk to energy universal, to communicate with elementals (water, air, fire, earth, ether ) or other "angels" or deity . In the spiritual world, contact is normal and is a passage in the quest to fullness of your being. However, to put a caveat, this "world" is also that of karma and the concept of "merit " spiritual t you (may require very slow revelation of your ability. Thus, speaks to the "gods" that those who deserve it.
In Your divinity, NOTHING is impossible thus communicate with other dimensions is a normal act, your being constantly oscillates between the shape and form meta-divine is yours. Communicate with other plans reality is that the exploitation of many of your ability. If you are in this world, then you will not glory because it is your "natural" state.
What makes it difficult to contact, it is the brakes, the fears that we pose in front of you, you know, the usual "it's impossible, I can not get there, I do not merit, you need a gift ........"
tsssss , ignores all this, free your heart and your mind, calm the mind and lets you wear the "song of the stars" "
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
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Claudia Why are we away from us even when it goes closer and when it goes wrong ...
Sylvain I think you mean that we is harder to outdo themselves and discover divinity as it goes wrong while in a state of well being, we let ourselves go lasivement by happiness (if I may say)
nothing for granted until we not exceed the consciousness of being and the 3 way the notions of good and evil are divided as follows:
For the mind, control yourself as you feel good is difficult because it no longer have control over you, you can levy limits in a state of well being. In this state, the mind is almost short-circuited but take you back with a vengeance at the first blunder of course and it will surely make you think of "it could not last ... "Or things like that. Happiness is a normal state, the mind can only act on the face of these extremes as extremes, it will not fail to remember the limitations it imposes on you.
For the spiritual world, the welfare state is a permanent goal, this "nirvana" is the key to success but as the spiritual Mother said (Indian sage) "if God had intended that the nirvana there would be nirvana. "Thus, the majority of theses spiritual challenges us to think that every event forces us to leave the forces of our being, inviting us to" experience "life in a different way to complete our knowledge of souls.
For the divine world, once again, suffering is not mandatory, it is a "habit", a commitment to a "real experience" that has more places to be.
The world invites us to see God in these times when we're not much a gateway to another reality, one where we are creative. Break the illusion is the quest of this pathway. Thus evil is an illusion, that of the actor who takes on his role and take the stage for his life.
Claudia Facing your question, I would still know that enjoy the good times is very important and should not hide his pleasure. Thank universal energy of these moments and integrate them into his being as "normal state of being" is an opportunity.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
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Today was the demonstration unit
I criticize, you might say. Yes, true, and it is my right.
But I move too.
First, His Majesty the King should replace the current trainer. Indeed, Yves Leterme has already had 3 chances to form the government, and he planted miserably each time. But replace that? For a man of experience, known abroad, and that Europe can have confidence. And who is that? Guy Verhofstadt simply . He has already proven itself for 8 years, both at federal and European level.
Then, the negotiations focus on the real socio-economic issues in Belgium. They are trying to find adequate responses to rising unemployment, the upgrading work, the aging population, environmental problems. And then think about social security, pensions, education (and why not not reunify education networks, to spend more money?), culture etc..
Finally, and only then think about the institution. Flemish parties want to split the district BHV? Well, so be it. Francophone parties want a national constituency for a number of elected officials? Well, so be it, but for ALL elected
And the ministers? Should be appointed technicians, economists, constitutional scholars, lawyers, teachers to reform everything beautiful Belgian brothel, and go find Eyskens, Claes Maystadt Deprez, Dehaene, Martens, in short, wise, true statesmen (yes, women too!). A government over the parties and parties.
Go, courage, the most difficult tasks lie ahead ...
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
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Claudia: Is there any elected officials? Why are some people easier to get energy, to be channeling and not others?
Sylvain Y'as there any elected? yes! each of us, we came to Earth in the world of form and a wonderful privilege that have very little to grasp the meaning in everyday life. Your question is closer to that of the gift, gifts or abilities.
for the mind, these ideas are gifts of the order of the is innate or acquired, if you have a gift of birth, your mind can not deny it. If you train hard to develop a capacity, too, your mind gets used to the idea and accept it and eventually even sometimes collaborate. Mind you pose a restriction on notions of good and evil depending on your education (course to be able to keep some control over you)
Besides these modes, the mind denies what he does not know, indeed, the mind is there to protect you, he can not deny that what he did not have proof (hence the idea of training to accustom them to practice) and to preserve your integrity, he will deny block all powers and abilities for fear of not being able to control these energies itself.
For the spiritual world, these gifts and abilities have always existed, they are potential human beings. Clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis (moving objects) or channeling (to be discussed with the "beyond" or "angels") is one facet of the man he had forgotten in his downfall in matter. For the spiritual world, there are elected officials who recovered their positive karma from the past in these ways innate capacity, but the potential is present in all of us, we awaken its capacity, we put them in our daily lives. Start with a fact: "we only use 10% of our brain potential." So to develop these 90% of potential, we use certain teacher or guru, others read and try to experiment somehow many concepts.
For God's world, everything is only a question of "choice" have gifts is that the revelation of his divine nature. But the world is divine or that his gifts are abilities such as walking or driving. Under no circumstances will we need to focus on these skills to use in order to obtain an illusory power over our fellows. Receive energy is only a matter of openness to these potentials.
Those who do not succeed, their mind is listening too, or are in denial about what IS, of their own potential!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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Claudia: Why do some people have lives filled with catastrophic disasters (accidents, illness, etc.). Because thoughts create you tell me. But who may want something as unpleasant?
Sylvain: Your question is quite complex because it involves a lot of emotional , I will still harness myself.
The mind does not create the events, it pushes you there and manage but does not create anything.
The mind knows the roadmap that you're drawn into the spiritual part of yourself (you remember my story GPS), as you pass through a stage of your "spiritual teachings", he must continue to manage the integrity of the "shape" of your body, your body should I say (physical, mental, emotional ....). So how fait'il , it mainly uses two compensation systems against major steps (happy or unhappy):
- The emotion or the engrammage or somatization!
Emotion dabord , emotions ... I do not know where to start on this subject!
base: only love (in its pure sense and not the sexual aspect attractive!) Is a real sense, all other feelings are triggering hormone, clearing systems. Your body
life through a complex biochemistry but also thanks to energy flowing in him. The
Medicine energy aim to restore energy in your body to heal. The system is sensitive because too much or too little energy in an area of your body and hop, here you are off balance and after a while, a disease characterized just lack of energy or energy offending node. Emotions can free up energy . This applies, for example anger, joy, hate, enjoyment, of sadness .....
Other emotions can keep his energy ( it becomes pathological as it lasts too) such as fear, nostalgia, sadness, pain .... There they are often in this last case of negative emotions.
If the mind did not use these techniques, it is likely that your body is quickly unbalanced. The problem is that you mentally repeat later "if you do not want to relive it, so I did what you said .... and that sort of thing" it may be useful and should be taken into account but it severely limits your possibilities
Incidentally love or some derivative such as compassion or forgiveness and acceptance can erase what other emotions have implanted in you.
Somatization, the engrammage meanwhile is another system of the mind is a sort of protective barrier of the body to avoid untoward consequences . As we want to force its nature beyond the limits seen body, mind, body joins somatize for the delay. This is true of those who "fed up" and that hurt back (wrong century .... it rather overwork the evil of the century ... the world is pressed into a life of this century, as life event that 3 lives of the last century!). Those with tendinitis and members that block, knees or feet for example because he does not "want to go any further!. The body and mind often speaks through illness (" evil to say ") and certain books have even been stronger, this is called the decoding Biological give an explanation for each of the diseases of the body.
Note that somatization is a method of mind about the emotion is not enough. "ah, you do not want to stop you , well, we will see what we will see, "said the mind!
In the spiritual world, each event has its cause and consequences of the karmic law we have before we incarnate, agree to play a role, function even short, interacting with all other players in the room to learn, through positive and negative events (some in learning more choose our great believer of the latter) of "life" while removing the teaching and divine knowledge.
In this vision, all tests is initiatory and we must learn to decode the body's messages or events to understand the teaching. Once understood this teaching (which can be repeated indefinitely until the lesson is incomplete), the road to pursue the new script stage pre .
The era we are currently disrupts this learning methodology, indeed, this world has many means of communication and interaction via the computer game, for example, to be a kind of experiment by proxy. Result: a deep gap between the modes of action of the "new generation" and "old" comes complicate the "game players" but that, in this view, appears the perfect time and is Part of the energy plan Universal to move us forward
In the divine world, it is important to know that we are not our bodies, we are not our emotions , we are not our "role", we are dancing the divine in the clay on stage at the world of form. In these tests is under no immutable, we have the power to create through our thoughts (the thoughts of others, however, may limit our ability to change the past but can, through some technical, remove emotional burdens ). In the divine world, trials and suffering are not helpful to our evolution, we co-creator and that means a big concept of responsibility because we reap what we think have sown. It is important in this vision of things to learn to become increasingly positive, to have LOVE for SOI ACCEPT WHAT IS without judging and acting for processing.
Friday, October 26, 2007
What Does It Mean Pinky
As promised yesterday Claudia, I will deliver what I call power plays that reflect the world of the mind.
Mind (smarter than most of our western medicine) know that we need energy to live and not just food. This
energy, we can take full spring practice but the simplest and most used by the mind is to take energy in others. Yes, love, compassion, complaint, and even these opposite feelings delivers energy to that is affected by these feelings. There are many techniques for the mind but make it easy at first say that there are 3 "beds" where you can "sit . The bench of the victims is one of those who say persecute, that everything falls on them, it is very unfortunate that nothing good can come because their is not luck, they are the kings of "yes but ..." . Their ability to pull you out of energy comes from their experience that you will pity them and so they gave your energy .
On another bench, one of the culprits have found those who will think he deserves what happens to them, that's all their faults, they is a step by posing as guilty rather than victims, but they remain quest for energy of the complaints with "I'm like it, I can not help it devalues .....", with" I know nothing ... " "I must do to atone" atone for what, faults often imaginary even for some woman I know, the fault of being "mother" and after this mind who plays this to say "I sacrifice myself for them, I must assume their birth ....". Again this is a way for the mind control, a way to attract compliance and complaints of those who will find you copies. This bench is also one of responsibility to the death, that of perfectionism to attract admiration.
The third bench is one of those responsible, those who assume that their choices, their failures, successes, too. On this bench energy comes from your own momentum, this energy that emanates from you, the universe contributes to give you in return . on this bench, have often do not take too energy to another, it gives but rather, the mind that it does not control everything, so trust him to move to one of the other bench he prefers because it can make you go crazy as they say.
There are many nuances to these behaviors including those of a technique known as transactional analysis in which the behavior is analyzed from different angles more subtle. Have so many different types of behavior such as "parent helper" "parent savior" critical parent "" adult "child subjected" "Adapted child" in short, among all these relations , and I forgot ais, there have power plays, making energy other by various means.
In conclusion, choose our bench but we remember that, whatever chose the bench, each of them is the divine world, an illusion of the actor who takes himself for his role !
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Milena Velba Mammogram
Claudia: Do we have a destiny set in advance?
Sylvain big question that underlies another, or is the role of free will in fate?
In the way of mind, the notion of destiny does not exist but that of guilt so. Let me explain: the mind know that you need energy, not just food to live. To capture this energy that keeps your body alive, the mind knows that the "power games" (I put it in another blog tomorrow) and will use common "if you do that, you have this ..." and mind you will blow what is "good" for you and allowing it to control you. In short, no fate for him, that of control!
In the spiritual world, of course it's very different here is the law of karma, every action has a reaction and sometimes over several lifetimes. In this vision the fate we all play a role, let me explain: Outside of the time, we chose the experiences we wanted to vibrate in our next life, we have therefore chosen our parents, our environment, our way of life based the probability of life events that would reduce our karmic debt while making us new experiences. It's like a role play or video game where each player know in advance the web of history and doient get out of the adventure that awaits. It's a bit short as an explanation but basically our life is a kind of big play or the actors well qu'aillant the ability to improvise texts can not act on the general frame of the room. In this piece, one plays the role of the mother, another father, another villain, another kind, another brother. In addition to these roles, our bodies are genetically marked to have a character, modeled with the other actors too, will be best able to lead us straight to our experiments agreed in advance in our "reflex reincarnation" .. ..
On God's way, we're co-creator of this world and therefore the creator of our own destiny, we can change roles, change our character as we know it is an illusion, a layer of our True Nature. Then we can change our destiny.
We could do a summary and image between the spiritual and the divine way by using the analogy of a GPS. Our
divine part in us determines the end point of our route and can determine the points of steps most likely to lead us through the experiences you want. The spiritual path is like the GPS program that determines the shortest route (destiny is the road) to take us to the stage and point of arrival. Our free will allows spiritual well on the road to change along the way but as soon as we let ourselves be overwhelmed by our roles and the illusion of everyday life, the spiritual program recalculates the route and leads you inexorably towards the next step. Here we have the feeling that fate is immutable divine but our party can change the outcome of this fate, change the arrival of the road and follow the spiritual program. the question is how to reprogram the arrival of the road on the GPS. This blog will certainly give us more tracks!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Shoes For Bow Legged Flat Feet
I just wanted to add a point on our difficulty in putting into practice our ability to unlimited power.
In fact, even if our thinking is very powerful, without tearing the cycle of incarnations, roles and limitations of the mind And it is already a program, then we must take into consideration that it is the thought of everyone on this planet who created the rules that govern.
I remember a great lady named Mother (Mirra Alfassa ) has passed through feats has his mind and body work but she felt external pressure on it from these people who thought that his quest was impossible, that she never make it.
It's hard to escape the thinking of most people around you and that is why many people which are now major masters were often extracted from the world and the crowd to power in secret, not under the influence of external suivrent their tracks.
So clearly, sometimes, even often, to make progress, we must make certain piece of road in secrecy and silence prevent bad thoughts to reach you and return to them but solidify your practice because if you are in the faith and the certainty that it no thought then break this state.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
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Claudia: Our capabilities are unlimited. Why can not we put them into practice?
Sylvain a very deep and primordial instinct to which I replied: "And why not!
So the mental side , this one you control and limit yourself to constant" not possible "coming from your education, your experiences with the education of taste but also for the control that takes the mind with the year. A mind, that can reprogram itself is a kind of Rambo stupidly obedient to the instructions of your thoughts but we shall return later.
For the mind in any case, use your abilities (thank you for not having called powers) is to lose control of your life and so he is afraid of not being able to maintain proper function of monitoring the integrity of your body.
You know I love this sentence whose context escapes me, and one day a man made a big accomplishment like "take three hours in freezing water" and after this feat, a man said "it is impossible he did not have done it "and someone replied that phrase very fair" he did it because he does not know it was impossible "
Only our limited mental capacity and our our boundaries are that of imagination.
spiritual side, there are a lot of ability, they are called clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis, astral projection, bi-location .... all these "miracles" have yet the spiritual side of manuals, of course, in this vision, we must train and train again to get it. The basic exercises are exercises in relaxation and concentration. The idea is to put your brain to the Alpha state, a state between waking and sleep. It is in this state that the mind is calmer and everything becomes possible. "Walk aa we all took on average 12 months, do not expect to get there too fast." This thinking is logical and rational, and thus comes from your mind. However, to put us in a kind of consensus between the mental and spiritual, we train to improve our training capacity in these many and varied.
divine Listed: AH! I's a little story to tell, but you will see, it is related to your question.
There have millions of years ago, the universal energy has sent us on earth to enjoy the pleasures of creation. We had plenty of time to oscillate between divinity and form. We did not have actual, body at the time but we were trained in "energy lines" (that term seems most appropriate). During this happy period, energy to provide for our needs and we could experience matter with our free will in any aspect. While we use our leisure to power of creation, by the thoughts of the matter, we began gradually to identify with the form. Therefore, particles of energy were glued to rely on our power lines forming gradually and with evolution, the body incarnate that we have today.
It became increasingly difficult to manage the area while returning to the deity on a regular basis. Therefore we created a "thing" to whom we have left it to take care of our bodies as our minds would go to the deity. This thing is the mind, a kind of energy program that learners become more effective in its mission. One moment, including this mind that limiting the possibilities of creation was a better way to ensure the sustainability of the bodies and we were caught in a vicious circle. Knowing that we swing at a speed exceeding that of light (today) between our human condition and our physical condition and a new incarnation in the body and become a "reflex" by suggesting that the mind can not survive if we were THAT in our divine state.
So Claudia, the short story is there to these main features, but what we need to do now is regain consciousness our divine state to reverse the process started and re-enjoy our creative capacity . We come a long way but it is time to make a half turn to advance.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
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Claudia : Suppose that we are all God, the creator Is there then?
Sylvain Your question is still very wide, I'll try to answer by talking about the one you call "God" in the 3 lanes.
Mental path for God is a "limiting case " I would say, I know I can offend by saying this. Indeed, our mind which seeks to take over us, so we better preserve croit'il !, Uses everything that is "education" to limit ourselves. From this point of view, our religious education is a great tool for him. For the mind "God" is what allows him to blow you phrases like "did this and God will bless you" but "Do not ç has or God will punish you." In short most religions introduced through the concept of God, the notions of good and evil. These concepts have been used by the powerful this world for us under control pretext to act to see God even in the name of God for what is past and the Crusades for example. But I digress here
of mind, I just wanted to say that "God" as taught by the mind is a way for him to act on our behaviors in preventing us to exceed our limits even under pretext morale.
I'm not saying there should not be moral and that everything is okay, I'm just saying it should not be a limiting factor in our development staff.
From a spiritual perspective, God is the creator of heaven and Land for Christians, the Almighty, the Omniscient , the omnipotent ...... there is a brief can be unlimited and deciding everything about everything. In the spiritual world, he is often depicted as the loving father his children or descendants , we are. It allows us through the learning of physical life and through our many incarnations to become his equal . But the assumption behind spiritual still a notion of "necessity absolute obedience" to these commands, orders or lessons data across religions and if we obey wisely so we can have recourse to such care otherwise the worse for the consequences. We will then have to cancel to accept and forgive each misfortunes that fall on us as the result of our bad actions.
From the divine standpoint, we are indeed all God (again, I prefer the term universal energy to qualify because it is less limiting than, for example, to imagine God as an old be human white beard!). Let's logic in this reasoning divine. If God is everywhere, see it all, if it is unlimited, then it is in all things, each atom in our bodies too, so that we are God is no longer a heresy but a simple deduction. In the event I call God, we are we the creators of our environment, this world. We are responsible for our thoughts and it is they who create the vast majority of which come to us because we must not forget that we are all human, interacting, and that my thoughts affect my environment but also on other . This course introduces a wide notion of responsibility that many rejects preferring to fatality resulting their thoughts or those of others. We will have the opportunity to revisit some lines of destiny because our lives are Ă©crient in advance and without realizing our divine possibility of intervention, sometimes we experience things well under heavy pretext experiences.
Claudia to meet with a stroke to your question, I would say each particle of this universe is infinite creative energy to its scale, all that does A creative but stay at our scale and be creative in our lives already.
Monday, October 15, 2007
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Claudia What is the meaning of life? Why do we live on earth?
Sylvain Well, for a first issue, we start!
Good for readers, I want you to know that every answer to a question will be specified each point of view of the 3 channels. If the early responses seem complex, it is likely that force Read the blog, you can understand more fully the principles that I state. If questioning hard, you can always post a reply to the blog by clicking the small envelope of each of the posts.
Then the physically / mentally, there is little answer this question,
The only thing I can tell you is that your mind is born with your physical body
and it is very likely that he will die with him.
In this sense, death frightens him enormously and a hypothesis is unbearable, but can you blame him? He plays one of these roles is to protect the integrity of your physical body.
The problem with that is that you harassing notes like "do not do this or you'll have pain, do not do this because it's impossible ..." brief the mind spends its time for you to limit knowledge of science (note that a child dares all until the limit, it does not mean that we should not do, it makes just say that the limits are packaged. But maybe we will have the opportunity to a new question about the limits, in all this is to cross our thinking.
The meaning of life for the mind is rather the sense of survival, although note that besides eat, sleep and reproduce works to ensure the survival of the species there arises the natural question little philosophical!
Hypothesis spiritualist now: the meaning of life is a learning, a kind of high school. For spiritualists
we are a soul who teach developmental stages in life, because of course the reincarnation is appropriate in this view of things, improve, to perfect the ultimate goal of access to divinity.
Thus, each experiment would obey the rule of the lesson. In this case, each of our actions is part of a prearranged plan before each of our incarnations
which must lead us to live every possible experience of this world (and the other for that matter!). In this vision, we would have some sort of debt or karma that might follow us from life to life
So if you stole one day then you will be flown to know what the experience of flight seen from the point of view of the thief and the stolen. You can be
in a life rich and very poor in the other if it helps your execution of the experiment.
Say like this, it sounds very cruel and very devoid of emotions but actually live all the emotions is also part of the plan to bring you to your divinity.
Why do we live on earth? For spiritualists land is a field experience for the privileged souls. This land is one of the few planets in the universe to have free will, ie to possess the ability to choose. This possibility is an infinite field of experience because there have more rules of the game
More contact with a kind of commander that would give us the rules that formats our lives (religions try it yet)
Assuming divine, that which is to say that we are gods who are unaware, we accepted as that parcel of the universal energy (I prefer this term to God because it's less gear!)
From embodied in various forms and multiple planets to provide the universal energy can accumulate through us a whole field of experience.
At very early times on a human scale, we had the opportunity to communicate with us to divinity and deity from all individuals on the planet, we were called a synod. But one day
negative energies have broken the energy grid surrounding the earth and allowed these contacts. Recently the grid was recreated but never mind for now, the principal has to know is that the universal energy, through each of us had any experience sufficient but we continue to be reincarnated as " reflex. Assuming God, we must remember that we are a lot of universal energy. As such, we have the power to create the world matter, among others. Our thoughts create our world but we will return.
The meaning of life in the divine hypothesis is now revealing the universal energy into matter, to regain our rights of creator and created a world of peace and universal love in which we will enjoy our possibility of incarnation like that of being God's will in action, "Dancer in the clay."
Claudia: What then is the meaning of life, learning lessons and remember our true nature, reveal God in this matter?
Sylvain Ca Claudia is a paradox which is found in each issue, I do not think there to favor a hypothesis or another, but to offer choices about what I board learned.
No assumption is less valid than others, each of his free will by choosing what suits him. Truth with a capital T must be a mixture of 3!
Claudia: Why are we growing?
Sylvain you certainly want to say, why if we stand for ever, we are more numerous?
Physically: because we reproduce many
Spiritually: because our planet is such a field experience that attracts a lot of soul of the universe
Divinely: universal energy because we send more and more being of light (through the indigo children or otherwise) for us afford the opportunity to reveal our nature.
Assuming spiritual and divine, our world is "protected" by divine decree because of the possibility of such beings to use their free will and even the universal energy can act directly on us. (That's for those many who can say but if God is omnipotent, he can change all that with a snap of fingers!)
Friday, October 12, 2007
Basketball And Cellular Respiration
Who am I?
I'm not going through this issue tell you my life through wide and long.
actually say that I am a walker. I walk on a spiritual road since the age of 15 years and that taught me this way?
Well the roads are many, that everyone must choose his path. What I'll try to do here is, through a kind of game questions - answers with Claudia (a friend), to give you the foundation that I know, those through which I passed, those I board the understanding.
So why "3 way" now, well because on my way to understanding relations and human behavior, I discerned, through experience and through reading, 3-way reflection.
The first way is physical / psychological is what tells the body and how the mind works.
The second way is what some say spiritual texts. We are on a path of progression, because each in its result, we can not escape Karma ..... short path of experience which also includes such things as guardian angels and some "power"
The third way I call "God" is one that will bring us back to what we really are. We must remember that we are gods incarnate and that we power over all creation. Our thoughts and created the world is changing under our control.
That, in a very short what are the 3 channels but to understand that and you can choose the path that you agree, then each of the topics that Claudia will send me will be treated according to these three channels.
Your comments are welcome.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Where To Buy Margarita Bucket
The last volume of the adventures of the most famous magician in the world is out. I have not yet bought or read, but I want to get into some assumptions about the end of the story. So there's no spoiler, I do not reveal anything, since I have not read anything ... Last thing before you begin: This text is for fans of the little witch ...
I imagine that Harry will go in search of the Horcrux (Note: these objects are supposed to contain part of Voldemort's soul). He will meet many, many, but then there many dangers, and they are going to cope with his fast friends, Ron and Hermione, perhaps also accompanied by former Neville zero, the stubborn Ginny Luna and the bizarre.
What happens there in the end? I imagine that Harry will die fighting Voldemort and wanting protect his friends. It seems that two major characters will die (according to authoritative sources ...). But who? Harry certainly, perhaps Ginny, Neville or so, but vindicated after his parents Bellatrix Lestrange. Drego Malfoy and Severus Snape will probably have an unenviable fate (sore Sectumsempra or the Avada Kevadra?).
There will of course be a duel to the death between Harry and Voldemort, and who knows, maybe even a second to half of the book, where Harry will not kill even the Master of Darkness, since he 'will not destroy all the Horcruxes.
Finally here are my assumptions, but let's not forget the author, who has already shown us repeatedly that she had more than one trick up its sleeve, more and more of a rebound of a sudden theater. I would not venture to sell the skin of the bear before killing him!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Anthropometrics For A Table
Feminists of all stripes have managed the unthinkable challenge of restoring dignity to women who were, for centuries, considered very inferior to men. Their struggle has brought fruit, and I say this with great happiness. Nobody doubts today that the woman is quite the equal of man.
But in our European and Western society, it is fighting a rearguard quite useless puff of energy for nothing and those who make ridiculous (especially those) who are fighting.
An example? The feminization of job titles, imposed not by use, but by politicians. Great thinkers stand against this nonsense. And Jacqueline de Romilly, in an interview published this week in Le Vif L'Express said to be hostile to this feminization. Imagine
all possible meanings of this simple sentence:
" He took the coffee pot on the stove "
Southland Leisure Center H
If I tell a black, a Moroccan Jew, a homosexual he is dumb or stupid, for simply because he is black, Moroccan, Jewish, homosexual, it is obvious that I show myself a racist, xenophobic, antisemitic, homophobic. I reject that attitude and that I condemn in the strongest possible.
But if that same Black, Moroccan, Jewish, homosexual is really dumb or stupid, why can not I say it loud and clear? To believe that one can not say someone is stupid or silly if it is white, European, Christian and heterosexual.
Where is the line between the politically correct and politically incorrect?
Postscript: As said Groucho Marx, " if you do not like my opinion, I have to Autès .
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Waldorf Style Doll Pattern
Everyone knows, next Sunday is held the first round of presidential elections in France. Two candidates stand out slightly in the polls: plague and cholera. I mean, Segolene Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy. In fact, I pity my French friends: choosing between those two, it looks like a tour de force. Between the candidate ex-interior minister discourse hyper secure and ultimately xénophoble, and Pepsodent smile candidate with no real conviction, the French will suffer in the next five years ...
Unless a third candidate will come to everybody agrees. But I'm not sure that this could be: ray outset Jean-Marie Le Pen (recall his accession to the second round in 2002). Bayrou remains, but it is deemed quite soft. In French citizens
weapons, choose well (well, it is especially for you that I say, because in Belgium, frankly, we just know that hot govern France for five years ...).
Biggest Indians Boobs
Dear friends, I
decided to change the name of my blog. The rantings of a philologist become God, angels and other . Reassure you, no trend is Leonardesque not the case (phew, saved!), But only a desire to be more visible on the web (thank you Google ...).
look forward to reading your comments, please give me your opinion on this new title and perhaps other suggestions??
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Best Upconverting Bluray Player 2010
The origin of this development is the publication in February 2001, the latest novel by Francoise Xenakis , "Mom, I want to be emperor , which prompted an outcry among many critics keen to historical authenticity.
The purpose of this paper is therefore to observe Nero through several novels and try to trace the origins of this ancient character, to answer the question: Neros presented in these novels, they a historical reality or are they a fantasy writers?
To paint a romantic portrait of Nero, I examined six novels, from Quo vadis , the oldest to the most recent "Mom, I want to be emperor , including of course the 2 novels by Pierre Grimal and also by Hubert and Jean Monteilhet Diwo (at least the first 5 chapters of his Dinners Calpurnia).
Firstly, the novel time Neronian most famous is undoubtedly that of Henryk Sienkiewicz , whose first edition appeared in 1896. And to understand that Nero is in this novel, I suggest you remove the image of Peter Ustinov in the film inspired by Sienkiewicz.
But in this book, already discussed by JN Michaud in 1999, the character of Nero is foremost an artist: poet, singer, stage actor, charioteer.
Nero is also the one who, or indirectly through his soul damned Tigellinus, was burned Rome in order to realize his dreams architecture. Early in the novel, however, Nero is less present at the end. Indeed, its role in the novel continues to grow in importance. In the final pages, we can say that the main character Quo vadis , it's him.
As said Michaud, a portrait of Nero, when he first appears in the novel is in Chapter 51 of Suetonius. All the rest of the character of Nero in Quo Vadis is also based almost entirely on Suetonius.
Another important element, always stressed by Michaud, is the monstrous character of Nero. But according to Michaud, Nero " wanted to be not only an actor, but a tragic figure, one of those serious criminals beyond humanity "(P.294). According to Michaud, " the tyrant is one who goes out of humanity, so he has made major transgressions of the imperatives that define humanity " (p.296). Nero does not act randomly, he methodically and deliberately violates the natural order (eg the assassination of his mother). This is to be compared with the taste of Nero for drama and staging. There is, moreover, " in several crimes of Nero a theatrical side, an aspect of staging " (p.296). Michaud said that " the fire of Rome is a wonderful spectacle and martyrdom of Christians is a matter of staging "(p.298).
Monteilhet Hubert's novel, although it is subtitled Roman times as Neronian Quo vadis , alas, is an entirely different order. Indeed, the author indulges in a low floor and vulgarity in the description of some shocking scenes vaguely erotic does not worth the trouble some attention.
Nero But what this does ?
First, Nero loves beauty. Early age, he has an inordinate taste for theater, Greek lyric poetry, the chariot races. He has an artistic temperament, a sense of undeniable drama.
Monteilhet also incorporates some features of the Nero Sienkiewicz (as he himself acknowledges, by the way). For example, it is Tigellinus who instigated the burning of Rome.
Monteilhet Nero also a homosexual, is pleasing to note his preference for Sporus example, and placed in the center of his motives.
Finally, we must still recognize the quality of historical reconstructions, especially in terms of daily life: marriage, life of gladiators, popinae , ancestors of our fast food, etc.. Paradoxically, some historical figures, apart from Nero, are presented in more than fantasy: for example, that St. Paul's thorn in his flesh is not for Monteilhet a repressed homosexuality!
Of course, the sequence of events is well known historical and Monteilhet Suetonius and Tacitus, for example when he tells the youth of Nero in Lepida.
In summary, we can say Neropolis it is a novel two faces: one side entirely historical (political, everyday life ...) on the other hand, it presents a Nero caricatured extremes, that even Suetonius would have disowned him.
The two novels of Pierre Grimal, the Memoirs of Agrippina The Minutes and Nero, one suspects, are the historical facts as they really are peeled from what can be deduced from the documentation available to us.
In a warning to the reader (Memory , p.9), Grimal cites its ancient sources: Tacitus, Suetonius, Dio Cassius and also Seneca.
As Suetonius, he points out, for example, the cruelty of the biological father of Nero, Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus (p.113-114) and it will come back often. Grimal also incorporates the episode of sunshine burst from the sea and went enlighten Nero just born ( Memoirs, p.146). Other elements are still clearly inspired by Suetonius: the snake that moved into the home of Nero ( Memoirs, p.161), education of Nero in Lepida ( Memoirs, p.178-179), the Nero's last words ( Minutes, p. 282), etc..
Other episodes are inspired by Tacitus, knows that Pierre Grimal. For example, the sequence of events at the time of death Claude: fried mushrooms, Agrippina delaying the announcement of the death of Claudius, Nero comes to the Praetorians ...
These are the same sources, of course, in The Trial Nero , unlike that this novel also tells what happens after the death of Agrippina.
What to highlight in these two novels, not so much the historical facts, but rather the character Grimal attributed to Nero. A series of strokes are the same as that found by example, in Quo Vadis . We can insist that Nero wants to be like the heroes of yesteryear ( Minutes, p.49, 83, 109, 124-125, ...). Here we find also that Michaud said about Nero Quo vadis : the theatrical side, the staging of cruelty, disobedience etc..
In summary, the two novels are an attempt to Pierre Grimal, clever, it must be stressed, rehabilitate Nero, as Grimal tells itself through the narrator in Hermogenes The Minutes Nero (P.13): " It is unanimously considered guilty and sentenced in his absence, before judges misinformed, and yet no defender was able to speak . But it is not a pardon at any price: Grimal respects the historical facts, puts them in context and attempts to separate the wheat from the chaff: Nero is not the monster that has always making him (for example, it is not responsible for the burning of Rome, or the death of Britannicus), but it is not entirely the victim of Agrippina, Poppea and Tigellinus.
I must say a few words now Dinners Calpurnia Jean Diwo. One could say that this novel is in the same vein as those of Grimal, even if Nero only appears in the first 5 chapters of the book, the burning of Rome to the death of Nero (114 pages).
Jean Diwo also emphasizes the aesthetic tastes of Nero (eg, p.19), he emphasizes the love that Nero was the Roman people - and it made him well (p.24).
The author demolishes some fantasies, such as guilt Nero in Britannicus's death (p.27) or the burning of Rome (p.6-7) or in the death of Poppaea (p.68).
course Diwo also mentions the attraction exerted by Nero and Otho Sporus (p.44, 69, ...), and its ambitions as a poet, an actor, a charioteer, and finally the last words uttered by Nero.
In short, that this John Diwo Nero is very "historical", but, like the Nero of Grimal, it is at the level of individual history, not just History.
The Nero Francoise Xenakis has absolutely nothing in common with that which we know through Tacitus, Suetonius and the modern historical works.
The title " Mommy I want to be emperor " foreshadows what kind of character he is: a child still in the grip of a possessive mother who can only live through his son and continues to influence him even after she died.
Criticism was also not kind to the novel (eg Eric Ollivier in Le Figaro 1 st February 2001). It must be said that Fr Xenakis, like Monteilhet, abounds in details scabrous " with one eye and an innkeeper language" (E. Ollivier). However, in my opinion, his freedom as a writer led her to take too many liberties with history, even if all these historical events are: death of Claudius, Britannicus ...
Just read the 4 th front page and we have a clearer view of what it is: " Mom, this is what I want to be later, in order: charioteer, dancer, singer, shepherd in Greece or be part of a theater. There. In any case, no emperor, please, Mom. Nero . Xenakis Nero offers a neurotic, persecuted by her mother in dire need of love and tenderness. According to Xenakis, Nero is a nice boy who learns to lie to as large and do not be arguing with her mother. It's the wicked Agrippina, mother invasive which has a score to the nature that has made woman and that prevents him from reigning.
All events are replayed by Xenakis in this unique perspective and blind.
What is worse is that Fr Xenakis based on supposedly scientific works, such as Nero Saint Jean-Charles Pichon (1962, reissued in 1971 under the title Nero and the mystery of Christian origins ), making Nero a Christian! ! ! Xenakis said: " work [...] Andre Wauthier [...] show, and there are others that we know of Nero's life is a tissue of lies and falsifications, but the strength of the Roman Church is a compact force, heavy as a leaden, and it's bad form to try to save from oblivion Nero and backbiting "(p.13).
In conclusion, answer the question with which I began my focus is not easy. Indeed, nobody can deny that every novelist has forged the Nero that best matched their expectations, aspirations, goals as a writer. However, we can distinguish two categories of authors:
· First, those who, if you pardon the expression, "fantasize" really (Monteilhet and Xenakis);
· then those trying to restore some historical truth (Grimal and Diwo).
And Quo vadis? This novel is and will remain unclassifiable, a kind of "airy momumentum perennius " ...
Romans studied:
Henryk Sienkiewicz , Quo Vadis ... Roman times Neronian , preface by Henry de Montherlant , Paris, Le Livre de Poche, No. 3161, 1970.
Hubert Monteilhet , Neropolis. Roman times Neronian , Paris, France Loisirs, 1984.
Pierre Grimal , Memoirs of Agrippina , Paris, Editions De Fallois, 1992.
Pierre Grimal , Trial Nero , Paris, Editions De Fallois, 1995.
Jean Diwo , Dinners Calpurnia, Éditions J'ai lu, No. 4539, 1996.
Francoise Xenakis , Mom, I want to be emperor , Paris, Albin Michel, 2001.
Bibliographical Notes:
C. Aziza, "A Century fiction novel about Nero (1895-1996) ", in JM Croisille , R. Martin, Y. Perrin (ed), Neronia V. Nero: History and Legend , Proceedings of the V th International Symposium
Eugen Cizek , Nero. The emperor cursed , Paris, Fayard, 1982.
Jean-Michel Croisille , Nero killed Agrippina , Paris, Editions Complexe, Coll. Memory for centuries, No. 59, 1994.
Florence Dupont , The Actor-King, or the theater in Rome
Pierre Grimal , "Nero," in Vita Latina , 119 (1990), p.22-28.
Lucien Jerphagnon , History
JN Michaud, "The portrait of Nero in Quo Vadis Henryk Sienkiewicz : from history to myth and from myth to history", in JM Croisille , R . Martin, Y. Perrin (ed), Neronia V. Nero: History and Legend , Proceedings of the V th International Symposium
Eric Ollivier, "Nero and worse, "in Le Figaro Literary , 01/02/2001, p.4.
Jules Wankenne , "Should we rehabilitate the Emperor Nero? "The Classical Studies in , 49 (1981), p.135-152.
Jules Wankenne , "A case to watch: Nero and the persecution of Christians by Tacitus, Annals , XV, 44", in JW classical antiquity and secondary education , Louvain-la-Neuve, 1984, p.185-199.
Jules Wankenne , "Again and again Nero," in Classical Antiquity , 53 (1984), p.249-265.
Ancient Sources:
Dio Cassius, Roman History , Books 61-63.
Seneca, De Clementia , Letters to Lucilius ...
Suetonius, Life The Twelve Caesars. Nero .
Tacitus, Annals , Books XII-XVI.
NB: This is artiicle originally appeared in the journal Latinter in January 2002.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Friend's Mothers Feet
's once again a typical Easter controversy, enough to supply the conversations at the end of Easter Vigil on Saturday.
What's this? Monsignor Leonard, bishop of Namur, in an interview with TV Mosquito , said he is against euthanasia and abortion, that condoms are not 100% sure to prevent the transmission of AIDS, and that homosexuality is a sexuality that betrayed not mature.
is his opinion, and, until proven otherwise, in Belgium, everyone has the right to move freely express opinions, even if they go against the grain of the majority of Belgians and even if it is a bishop. That said, these opinions of Bishop Leonard are definitely not new. Far from it ...
But his remarks generated considerable debate, as usual I dare say. For example, the editorial include of
And what address these comments, the responses to André-Léonard Mutien? Gays and the hood! Is that all? Yes, that's all! Not a word of euthanasia and abortion!
I do not want to say here that the theme of the piece of latex, and the hosting of homosexuals by the Church are of no importance. But, damn! Euthanasia and abortion are issues much bigger, much more worrying! And they affect many more people.
I am surprised that these two themes (So are these sensitive subjects?) Were not addressed by the criticism of the speech of Bishop Leonard. And I ask: why?
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Quickest Colitis Cures
Dear readers,
The news is quite fresh: ASBL Egyptological Ptahhotep has officially launched today. Visit his website: http://www.ptah-hotep.be
aperitif is an introduction you will find on the website:
Ptahhotep The project was born of a desire to otherwise share our passion for Egypt and connect it through many activities as diverse an audience as possible. Ptahhotep is of course all those who share a passionate love for the Pharaonic civilization but also wants to spread the enthusiasm and develop interest in this extremely rich culture and history. Ptah-hotep is for all audiences interested in ancient Egypt, a little or passionately, from near or far, from the youngest or most knowledgeable. Ptah-Hotep, it is serious without the austerity ...Otherwise, you must know that I am also part of this adventure. But you say, do not I already did part of another ASBL Egyptological? Well yes, I admit, but I left last December for serious differences of opinion concerning its internal management and choosing "marketing" ...
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Defrost Sausages Water
Dear friends,
Here is a little advertising for a new association (Belgian) Egyptology, open to the general public: Ptahhotep (their site will be operational soon). In the meantime, here already have their logo:

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Sony Tv Usb And External Hard Drive
Television educated. Yes, yes, and even advertising tells us a lot! An example perhaps?
At a pub famous for Imodium tablet (pub ...'m sorry), at the very end of the sequence is the address of a website. That the medication? No, not at all. That of the company then? Either. But then what?
Simply click on this link visit and, more importantly, note the domain name ...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Best Private Brower For Mac
tomorrow around 17h, I start with 64 students and 5 others for a weeklong trip to Poland. Program, visit Krakow course, but especially the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau. I'll tell you next week how it went and how students have experienced this adventure.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Car Amplifier Explained
Warning! Sensitive and irascible souls refrain: this text is deliberately provocative and may cause controversy!
For a year I had the chance to teach Italian to adult beginners the evening classes. Myself starting in the teaching of modern languages (reminder: I am first and foremost teacher of Latin), I sought advice from a more experienced colleague. Which replied bluntly: "Do they ever speak French, still Italian! . What I did. And at the end of the year at 3 hours per week, my students were able to read a newspaper article, to summarize orally and speak on topics of everyday life.
From this experience very rewarding for me, I withdraw the premise that the only valid method for teaching languages is to ban the French language courses, right from the beginning. Language teachers today are they doing their job badly? NO! They merely apply the method imposed on them by ministers, programs, inspectors and advisers (who are not paying!) Teaching. And that the goal is to ensure that our students are bilingual leaving the humanities! What a joke! Only gifted students can accomplish with this method!
But that's not all!
What languages do we teach in the French Community of Belgium? English, of course: it attracts more and more students, but I question their motivations (understanding the songs of their favorite artists?). The English also, beautiful singing language if any (and then there's the Belgian colony in Torremolinos, do not forget!). German is in freefall, as deemed wrongly too difficult. Finally, all our politicians insist on Dutch (while few of them have mastered ... Do as I say, not what I do ...). Without doubting that learning this language is necessary to know the mentality of our fellow Flemish or cultural interest, Dutch is quite useless at the time of European integration and globalization of the economy. Indeed, that weigh about 5 million Flemings and ten million Dutch side to the 80 million Germans, and a half billion Chinese and Brazilians?
learn in our high schools so the Chinese, Portuguese, German, English course, French course. Or as the languages of the new countries joining the Union European. We will train students and capable of facing future challenges of our global society.
insist on Dutch shows the self-absorption, narrow-mindedness and lack of ambition of our leaders in Belgium. Finally opened their eyes to the world!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Abu Dhabi Brazilian Waxing
Following referral (justified by the way) a student of 16 years for smuggling cannabis in the College Cousot in Dinant, the same student showed up Monday morning and was stabbed repeatedly with the director a kitchen knife. See article
The best job in the world is in danger. For years the teachers, all sectors and all networks, demanding more attention from their many ministers. I do not mean a pay increase, but a reconsideration of our profession, the best job in the world I'm sure. Reconsideration of the profession through a decrease in attacks in the press from these same ministers, an increase of coaching in schools and the statement (followed by action) that the student is in school to learn and work, the effort is the condition sine qua non of success, the respect for others (adult and younger) is a fundamental value, as well as listening and mutual tolerance.
Furthermore, the role of parents must be active in an ongoing partnership with teachers, and not just to file appeal in June when they do not agree with the decisions of the class council ( I promise my son / daughter goes to work during holidays). Indeed, it is not for teachers and educators to educate each individual head of blonde or red or brown, but their teaching materials, skills, teach them to think for themselves (oh sorry no, no no, not in the curriculum: now we have to make them competent, but competent in what? mystery ...) and teach them the rules of society.
The best job in the world is in danger. This aggression, though due to the temper and an offender one teenager nonetheless result that we are alone with our students, their parents and all the difficulties of each one.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Winco Blueberry Muffin Mix Recipe
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Oversized Beanie Hat Pattern
Frimousse I present to you a little female cat just over a year, who has chosen my humble abode as a refuge ... She's cute, right?
And since we're talking about cats, here is a blog in English which is quite funny, and whose Anglophile already enjoy the title " Cats Me If You Can " ...