power games
As promised yesterday Claudia, I will deliver what I call power plays that reflect the world of the mind.
Mind (smarter than most of our western medicine) know that we need energy to live and not just food. This
energy, we can take full spring practice but the simplest and most used by the mind is to take energy in others. Yes, love, compassion, complaint, and even these opposite feelings delivers energy to that is affected by these feelings. There are many techniques for the mind but make it easy at first say that there are 3 "beds" where you can "sit . The bench of the victims is one of those who say persecute, that everything falls on them, it is very unfortunate that nothing good can come because their is not luck, they are the kings of "yes but ..." . Their ability to pull you out of energy comes from their experience that you will pity them and so they gave your energy .
On another bench, one of the culprits have found those who will think he deserves what happens to them, that's all their faults, they is a step by posing as guilty rather than victims, but they remain quest for energy of the complaints with "I'm like it, I can not help it devalues .....", with" I know nothing ... " "I must do to atone" atone for what, faults often imaginary even for some woman I know, the fault of being "mother" and after this mind who plays this to say "I sacrifice myself for them, I must assume their birth ....". Again this is a way for the mind control, a way to attract compliance and complaints of those who will find you copies. This bench is also one of responsibility to the death, that of perfectionism to attract admiration.
The third bench is one of those responsible, those who assume that their choices, their failures, successes, too. On this bench energy comes from your own momentum, this energy that emanates from you, the universe contributes to give you in return . on this bench, have often do not take too energy to another, it gives but rather, the mind that it does not control everything, so trust him to move to one of the other bench he prefers because it can make you go crazy as they say.
There are many nuances to these behaviors including those of a technique known as transactional analysis in which the behavior is analyzed from different angles more subtle. Have so many different types of behavior such as "parent helper" "parent savior" critical parent "" adult "child subjected" "Adapted child" in short, among all these relations , and I forgot ais, there have power plays, making energy other by various means.
In conclusion, choose our bench but we remember that, whatever chose the bench, each of them is the divine world, an illusion of the actor who takes himself for his role !
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