today I chose the Arcane 9 Hermit (Hermite or if one sees the image of a Hermetic) the light bearer, the guide that initiates the crossing time.
In this period it appeared to me to be a good choice ( unless you live in a cave you can not escape ) since I chosen to represent the guise of Cronus / Saturn aspect in his old man wandering the Roman god ( whose reign corresponded to the Golden Age) chaired the period before the winter solstice: the Roman Saturnalia that these festivals were celebrated around (dates changed over time) of the celebration of Sol Invictus (or Mithra) on December 25.
Saturn assimilation ( like all the Roman gods) a foreign god, here the Greek Titan Cronus. Son of Uranus ( Heaven) and Gaia (Earth) . Uranus imprisoned his children in Tartarus. Furious, Gaia makes a sickle that gives it to Cronos to overthrow his father. Cronos then slice the testicles of Uranus (aouch!) , and thrown into the sea while Uranus foretold Cronos will in turn overthrown by his offspring. Cronos married his sister Rhea, and not forgetting the prophecy, it devours its children as and when they arise. Rhea, on the advice of Gaia, Zeus-child hiding in Crete and replaces it with a stone that Cronus swallowed in its place. Fully grown, Zeus freed his siblings and follows a war between the gods and the Titans' team-Zeus "will of course win ... Cronos would have been banned on the islands Blessed or Fortunate Islands , North-West Africa.
(Romans relate in any "objectivity" and without ulterior motive of propaganda, that their Carthaginian rivals offered to Saturn, Saturn says the African ( Baal Hammon ) child sacrifice newborns ...)
Cronos is often confused with Chronos crucial time and destiny (and thus much more "old" that Cronos), both because of the pronunciation of their names but also because Cronos "devouring her children " is as Chronos, time, which mows everything in his flight.
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