Thursday, December 23, 2010

Poems Asking For Money For Birthday

there any news of Mr. C. ? A zine

A utant say immediately, the "soon" I boldly displayed in the title of a previous post was really false advertising. At least if we think a human time scale, not geological.
I could try to find excuses for this long silence, this claim by overflow or decrease it. But the reason is very simple sincere lack of desire. Lack perhaps tinged with a question on personal interest keep a blog, the very purpose of such an approach. Basically, blogging is actually quite selfish even if I try to share shots heart and rant, they are still MY MY rants and heart strokes. In short, it's "me, me, me." Oh, I'm not naive enough to have thought that this dimension was absent selfish for keeping a blog. But little by little, I told myself that this dimension was perhaps too present. Invasive, even.

I did not lose my taste for the eighteenth century, and my taste for sharing. The idea of a fanzine eighteenth-century continues to tickle me, because it would allow me to continue in the voice of general circulation, unpretentious academic, and especially to initiate a collective process.

While waiting to see if this project goes ahead, I take the pen for at least a few tickets. Writing is not a vice which I get rid easily, I know!
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