Friday, December 24, 2010

Window Treatment For French Doors Topper

Fly not cover this highly touted

J 'were more skeptical than discovering the pool of No. 2 (August-September 2010) magazine Biographia, the journal of great destinies. Before taglines like " the footsteps of the greatest seducer " or "The Secret Life " and the front cover illustration, I thought this magazine would be about of the same ilk as those who claim to unveil "the Secrets of History "or" history mystery "and which are, generally, that hodgepodge of gossip, assumptions smokers, texts that lend themselves best to laugh at worst emit little delicate aromas. Magazines bribes room in which swim both those who think that the disappearance of Atlantis has deprived us of the most absolute knowledge and those who think that a lot of people lurking in the shadows want to get their hands on the world .
Yes, I was very reserved. Knowing that the group Lafont Presse also publishes titles like celebrity magazine Astro Journal and , I feared the worst of what Biographia .

Browse this issue has been a pleasant surprise. For, with the exception of an interview with Philippe Sollers, " Casanova, the quintessential eighteenth-century European and French , other texts are excerpts from works of the nineteenth and twentieth century Casanova, who are all looks, influenced by their times, on this character. Among these texts:
- the article on Casanova brothers (Jean-Jacques and Francis) in The great universal dictionary of the nineteenth century (1867), Pierre Larousse
- Article about Casanova in Bibliography ancient and modern (1836). An article that starts with "Casanova (Jean-Jacques), famous writer and adventurer politics" can only be welcomed, because the dimension writer "and even" political writer "generally passes after his reputation trousseur petticoats in many texts about him;
- or Article Renée Dunan, "On Casanova" in Review Letters , No. 12 (1926).

short, a number of magazine that offers readers a collection of seven pieces that I find quite distant from the magazine's cover touted instead. I'm finally happy not to have yielded to my initial repulsion.
One regret, however: the price of this issue (almost 7 euros for a four-twenty pages from cover to cover) seems too high for a content composed largely of text and illustrations which I assume that They are copyright free.

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